

In the second quarter of this school year, 38 children beneficiaries of Pag-asa excelled in their academic performance (35 of them got a general percentage average (GPA) of 94 while 2 of them got a GPA of 97). Sixty-seven (67) others bagged gold medals and received certificates in Leadership and Social Responsibilities, including Athletics. We will go deeper in this topic in a future issue of our newsletter. However, with or without these achievements, we remain proud of our children.

Medizinische Versorgung Verbessern

Papenburg. Mit einer Spende in Höhe von 16.000 Euro unterstĂŒtzt die Papenburger Praxis fĂŒr Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie Dr. Dr. Thomas Mrosk das Hilfsprojekt „Pag-asa Social Center“ auf den Philippinen. Zusammengekommen ist die Summe im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten anlĂ€sslich des 25-jĂ€hrigen PraxisjubilĂ€ums.

Siblings April Zaira and Francis Aziel seem to enjoy writing to their sponsors. At the back is grandma assisting Princess Liarha in writing.

June 2019 Update

In their attempt to shorten text messages on mobile phones, the children have transformed it into a unique language that produces new words and phrases by intentionally threading together misspelled words without syntax and abundantly pinching them with punctuation marks, thus making words longer than the originals. For example, instead of spelling “hello”, most of them spell it as “Eowwwh”.

Boxes of biscuits donation

December 2018 Update

Our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, once said, THE YOUTH IS THE HOPE OF OUR COUNTRY. If we look at how Pag-asa children perform in the first semester of the school year, then I guess yes, there is hope. They have once again shown exemplary performance in specific areas of their school life.

Rotary Club Papenburg helps Pag-asa Social Center

Papenburger Rotarier helfen weiter auf Philippinen

Papenburg. Der Rotary Club (RC) Papenburg setzt seine UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr ein Hilfsprojekt auf den Philippinen fort. Einen Scheck in Höhe von 7600 Euro ĂŒberreichten die Rotarier jetzt an Frank Schmelzer vom Pag-asa Social Center in der Stadt Tagatay. Das Sozialprojekt fĂŒr Kinder aus bedĂŒrftigen Familien lĂ€uft seit 20 Jahren.